Euphoria Green Vision

Euphoria Resort aims to the ultimate satisfaction of the guests, with the minimum impact on the environment. We are committed to delivering an eco-chic experience, that combines both, environmental responsibility and luxury experience for our guests. With our efforts and with the collaboration of our suppliers, business partners, and guests, we work together to reduce the environmental impact, by focusing on critical areas as carbon emissions, food, and beverage waste, indoor environmental quality, supply chain, waste and water management.

For detailed information, view our latest Sustainability Report & Policies.

energy & atmosphere

Energy efficiency and use of renewable resources are the fundamentals of Euphoria Resort, this is why all buildings are A+ classified, in terms of energy performance. In order to retain this high performance, a Building Management System (BMS) monitors the energy production of the resort on a daily basis. It also allows us to have manual control of the energy consumption per section at any moment. This smart electronic system is installed at all indoor and outdoor areas and helps us maintain a low energy consumption by controlling the energy flow and reducing the power wherever is needed. All buildings and areas are equipped with energy efficient LED lighting. Additionally, all appliances in guest rooms and working spaces are A+++ energy efficient, achieving the minimum of the power consumption for the daily operation of the hotel. Crete’s ultimate energy resource, the sun, is our main ally in reducing the resort’s carbon footprint on the environment. Solar panels, producing more than 400.000 KWh of electric energy yearly, are installed on the rooftop of our main building. Moreover, EM Resorts (Euphoria Resort & Minoa Palace Resort) as part of their commitment to reducing their carbon footprint have conducted in 2023 the “green” investment of constructing a Photovoltaic Park in Crete, Chania. The Park is the largest in Crete so far, having a total capacity of 3 MW, and aims to supply and cover both resorts’ needs in electricity power. As a result, the 100% of the hotel’s electricity needs are produced both in house by the photovoltaic system and our new Solar Park.

indoor environmental quality

The use of solar power at Euphoria Resort was taken under consideration at the stage of the early designing, as well as the external wall insulation system. Except for the use of the Cretan sun for energy production, a contemporary geothermal system is installed in order to maximize the performance of the air-conditioning in all indoor spaces. The indoor temperature is maintained steady, with the use of a thermal facade, which is applied in all external walls, minimizing the loss of temperature and maintaining a comfortable feeling to our guests. The natural light floods our indoor public spaces and rooms, through wide glass surfaces, giving an open-air feeling to the visitors. Our LVT flooring inside the rooms is eco-friendly certified, as it is made from natural fillers, recycled and bio-based materials. Eco-friendly paints have been applied to all painted surfaces.

water efficiency

Water saving is among our biggest concerns. Within the huge surrounding areas of Euphoria Resort watering such a vast surface of gardens is a great challenge. A minimum loss of water is achieved through a fully automated underground watering system and an underground tubing structure. Additionally, rainwater is collected by underground water tanks, so that it can be used for watering the large grass areas of the resort. The excess heat from the cooling system is used to generate hot water instead of being rejected. The contribution of our staff and guests is also very important in order to minimize water loss. Our Housekeeping team uses a waterless system to clean the rooms and public areas, and the Food and Beverage department has a minimum use of linen in all bars and restaurants. Also, according to our Green Vision internal policy, linen of the rooms are changed every second day and the towels and bathrobes only when it is asked by the guest, by placing them in the bathtub or in the shower. Also, toilet flushes, basin taps, and shower mixers are all water saving.


The daily operation of Euphoria Resort produces a great number of waste materials. During the daily activity of our resort, different types of materials, such as paper, glass, plastic, metal, batteries, empty ink tanks, etc are separated and placed into the proper trash bin, where the local authorities can collect them from. Recycling points are also placed in all public areas, so that our guests contribute our effort.

carbon footprint

All the above measures have a great effect on energy and water saving and summarize our efforts on reducing our carbon footprint. Less carbon on a greater scale is achieved by additional measures and policies. Buying locally reduces imports and transfers and at the same time empowers the local community and economy. Additionally, by using local, seasonal ingredients we offer our guests a tasty, fresh and authentic experience. Euphoria Resort and its team are fully committed to the vision of a clean planet and we hope that in our effort for sustainable management our guests will be the greatest supporters.

protecting caretta caretta sea turtle

Our location, Kolymbari, is listed at the Natura 2000 network of protected natural areas and our pebbled beach is a sanctuary for many sea turtles that swim out in the night to lay their eggs. We consider ourselves lucky to be located in such beautiful surroundings and at the same time we feel our great responsibility to protect it. Loggerhead turtles (Caretta Caretta) are considered an endangered species, that visit specific beaches during summer months, in order to lay their eggs at the warm shore. “ARHELON”-The Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece and the Management of the Resort, work together to preserve the natural environment of the sea turtles and to increase the public awareness about them. We are taking actions so that adult females can make their nests undisturbed and reach the sea unobstructed. During the evening, all the sunbeds are removed from the beach, in order to provide unlimited access to the turtle towards the sea. Outdoor lighting doesn’t face the sea and there is no artificial lighting on the beach. We always kindly advise our guests to inform our Reception or the local authorities directly, in case they see a Caretta Caretta, especially if it is laying eggs.

the smile of the child

Euphoria Resort is proud to announce a new cooperation with one of the most significant non-governmental organizations in Greece called “Smile of the Child”, dedicated to helping children in need. Founded in 1995 by 10-year-old Andreas Yiannopoulos who, shortly before leaving life, expressed in his diary his wish to start an organization that will ensure all children what he had so generously enjoyed: love, affection, care and respect. Through different kinds of actions, we collect donations whilst through public awareness and education activities, we want to create opportunities for our guests to understand the needs and support our younger generations, who are victims of poverty or violence, the missing children and each child who is in need of medical support. Let us help all children have a Smile!

animal care

One of Euphoria Resort’s visions is to promote animal rescue and adoption. Therefore, as part of our partnership with the Animal Welfare Group of Chania and the local veterinary clinic,our hotel is fostering cats in search of forever homes. Our main goal is to take care of the cats coexisting within our premises and in Chania, by providing an appropriate environment including food and a comfortable resting area whilst keeping them prevented from any kind of sickness.


EM Resorts